i come with a task to fufill. cute esther pai tuo me to do. or rather she made me a victim of this game. hmm, sorry i wasn't really using the com till today. did this thingy almost immediately..
so here the game goes.. Instructions: the tagged victim has to come up with 8 prospects or 8 things they look within the opposite sex. afterwhich, help to tag another 8 victims who would have to do this thingy.
gender: MALE
1) height ranging from (plus minus 10) of 180cm. i prefer the upper class of the estimation.. lol 2) smart as in not dumb.. duh! 3) voice. i learnt a lesson that a guy should not open his mouth if his voice's like a toad 4) nice personality would be good 5) helpful. i can't stand guys who stand and watch! 6) eyes that talk! 7) no over-bulging butt 8) nice-looking!
and my tagged victims are: Roan, Angeline, Jie Yi, Dragon, Shereen, Rain, Wan Xuan, Angelina! please join in the fun!:P